Understanding mid-century modern and how to use it in your home


Mid-century в мебели и деталях

Стены, оклеенные светлыми обоями, раздвинули жилое пространство, яркие цветные принты, растительные орнаменты и геометрические рисунки охристых, оливковых и оранжевых тонов позволили создать особую теплую атмосферу уюта в домах и квартирах.

Покрытие стен обоями не составляло труда, а вот возможностей цветового комбинирования рисунков представлялось много, поэтому обои стали одним из основных материалов в создании мид-сенчури интерьеров.

Активное использование фанеры, пластмассы, пробки, алюминия открыли перед дизайнерами небывалые возможности в экспериментах с пластичностью форм и функциональностью изделий – легких и изящных. При этом удобство и комфорт играли главную роль в создании предметов мебели – все для блага человека.

Представьте, насколько это уютно – мягкие эргономичные обводы стульев, кресел и диванов с деревянным или пластиковым каркасом и текстильной или кожаной обивкой подушек, невысокие серванты и шкафы с фасадами простой формы из светлых пород дерева, декорированные стеклом и алюминием, изящные столики плавных геометрических очертаний, подчеркивающие лаконичность пространства.

Винтажные горки, комоды и кушетки – так называемая «бабушкина» мебель времен «хрущевской оттепели» – лучший вариант оформления интерьера в стиле шестидесятых, но найти их в хорошей сохранности небывалая удача.

Особая роль при оформлении интерьера отводилась светильникам – необычные и оригинальные формы осветительных приборов в виде летающих тарелок, ракет, звезд и спутников отсылают нас ко времени покорения космоса.

Большинство из модерновых светильников напоминают арт-объекты, подчеркивающих нестандартную обстановку жилых помещений стиля шестидесятых – невозможно создать дизайн без плафонов с характерными «космическими» деталями.

Торшер Akari, дизайн Исаму Ногучи, Vitra

Еще одним арт-объектом мид-сенчури стал открытый бар – оригинальные инсталляции из бутылок привлекали внимание и служили не только местом хранения напитков, но и предметом декора интерьера

Философия, принципы и правила Mid-century modern

Стиль мид-сенчури – это квинтэссенция стремления людей к максимальному комфорту и красоте. Гуманистическая направленность стала философией стиля 60-х – сделать доступным создание уютных интерьеров для большинства семей с достатком выше среднего.

Дизайнерские решения нашли отражение в функциональности легкого, воздушного интерьера, близости к природе, выраженной в цветовой гамме природных оттенков и растительных орнаментов, и выразительности форм при использовании инновационных материалов для создания мебели и предметов декора.

Дизайн: Jessica Helgerson Interior Design

Модерн середины века предполагает хороший вкус и чувство меры – достаточно придерживаться несложных правил, и можно даже в малогабаритной квартире сделать самобытный выразительный интерьер.

  1. Легкие полупрозрачные шторы на окнах, открытые дверные проемы, стеллажи и решетчатые перегородки для зонирования помещений впустят в дом много солнечного света и воздуха.
  2. Стены светлых природных оттенков (белого, песочного, светло-коричневого, бледно-зеленого, молочного светло-серого) зрительно раздвинут помещение. Яркие цветовые акценты оранжевого, терракотового, горчичного, коричневого в декоре обивочных тканей добавят уюта, главное, не перегрузить интерьер избыточной пестротой.
  3. Для отделки пола лучше использовать ламинат темных пород дерева, линолеум или плитку с неярким геометрическом узором. Удачным решением станет ковер с коротким ворсом и ярким графичным рисунком – стиль «середины прошлого века» тяготеет к таким элементам декора.
  4. Стиль мид-сенчури характеризуется простотой и выразительностью – никаких шкафов до потолка, массивных мягких уголков и мебельных стенок. Примета стиля – легкая и удобная мебель из пластика, дерева, оргстекла на деревянных или металлических ножках с простыми гладкими фасадами.
  5. Используйте для декорирования и зонирования помещения различные виды освещения – гармоничная композиция классической люстры и напольных или настенных светильников необычных очертаний добавит ярких акцентов в дизайн квартиры.
  6. Обязательны комнатные растения типа большелистных фикусов в тяжелых глиняных горшках – кусочек живой природы в собственном доме.

Проект архитектора Ли Минделя в Нью-Йорке

Characteristics of mid-century Modern

While the mid-century modern design era actually encompasses a number of styles, there are elements that are characteristic of the period, says Iris Abbey.

View in galleryArchitect Mies van der Rohe also design furniture, such as the classic Barcelona chair.

Clean Lines

The understated and versatile look of mid-century modern comes from its clean lines, curves, smooth surfaces. It is more about geometric minimalism. Excess is not to be found in Mid-century modern design. The design philosophy is about focusing on the basic elements and the function of the piece. It’s about as far away as you can get from the embellished and heavily ornamented pieces of the past: Baroque, Victorian, Colonial, etc. Big and heavy furniture was replaced with light and airy spaces that boasted neat proportions and new functional shapes, using both organic and geometric forms. Mid-century modern essentially launched the quest for a clean, uncluttered look.

View in galleryGeometric shapes are a staple of mid-century modern design, and this sofa is a good example.
View in galleryAnother example of different geometries at play is this sofa and tables from Petite Friture.

American industrial designer George Nelson said that there were three ‘mid-century’ categories: the biomorphic, the machine, and the handcrafted. The pieces that are Bio-morphic are organic, curved, smooth surfaces, shaped like kidneys and boomerangs, in direct contrast to more angular modern styles of the machine category.

View in galleryAnother example of different geometries at play is this sofa and tables from Petite Friture.
View in galleryThe new shapes were different but also comfortable.

New, Mixed Materials

The post-war surge of new materials, especially plastics, were the playground of Mid-century modern designers. The freely combined natural materials with manmade ones and technical innovation. Consequently, many pieces were really an exploration, leading to works that combined different or even contrasting materials. Plywood, metal, glass, vinyl, Plexiglass and Lucite all made their appearance in furnishings of this era. And, unlike recent times when plastic was (and still is) used to resemble wood or other materials, in mid-century modern pieces it was used for its own qualities, writes Curbed. Many of the new materials also made the pieces affordable, particularly molded fiberglass, which became one of the most popular materials for producing the new biomorphic shapes.

View in galleryGlass became more commonly used during the mid-century modern design era.
View in galleryWood was still widely used, especially plywood in combination with new techniques in forming it.

Wood details are still a unifying element throughout mid-century modern design, which springs from the Scandinavian influence. Finished and unfinished wood is used for décor details like doors, knobs, ceilings and storage. On furnishings, a molded plastic chair might be set on wooden legs, or a modern light fixture may sport wooden elements.

View in galleryWood was most often mixed with other materials or seating.
View in galleryIn this sofa, the wood is more of an accent than a major feature.
View in galleryThe new materials allowed designer to incorporate more color in home decor.


Clean lines and simple shapes leave plenty of room for color in mid-century modern design Known for its bold pops of color, the era’s pieces were even called “furniture candy” . This isn’t surprising given the optimism of the postwar years and the cheery colors of the time.

Bright sugary colors were used in plastics as well as textiles for seating, tables and accessories of all kinds.

View in galleryBright colors are hallmark of mid-century modern design, especially on furniture.

Pattern and Texture

Textures are also important in mid-century modern design, as in any space that is modern and full of clean lines and minimalist shapes. Elements like shag rugs, rough stone fireplaces, smooth glass table, sleek ceramics, and textured upholstery come together for a more interesting room.  Patterns emerge in abstract paintings, pillows, and other accessories, write Iris Abbey.

View in galleryToday’s open floorpans stem from mid-century modern’s open spaces.

Why is it still so popular today?

Mid-century-modern design is still popular today for myriad reasons. Its characteristics make it a perfect fit for today’s contemporary, modern and eclectic home décor styles. A connection to Scandinavian minimalism and the incorporation of natural materials is a core feature that fuels its following.

View in galleryMany pieces mixed materials, both natural and man-made.

And, while many may attribute the surge in popularity of this style to the show “Mad Men,” some of the iconic pieces from the era never really fell out of favor, writes the RedBeacon Blog. True mid-century modern style is considered timeless, fresh and au courant. As Sotheby’s Joshua Holdeman notes: “ sit very well in contemporary homes and interiors—they still feel fresh today, they still feel modern. A lot of those pieces haven’t been bettered. They still stand the test of time.”

View in galleryNew shapes were a big part of the mod-century modern era.

Among baby boomers, the design style harks back to their youth, which makes it appealing for many. Among younger generations – Generation X and Millennials – a lifetime of exposure to television shows and movies has engendered an attraction to mid-century modern décor, which is why so many retailers now include it in their sales mix.

View in galleryMany of the designs that originated in the mid-century have stood the test of time.

Ингредиенты Mid-century


Американские пригороды разрастались, рождалась «одноэтажная Америка». Плоские, геометрически строгие дома отращивали консольные этажи, своеобразные «палубы», спорящие с гравитацией. 

Дома Палм-спрингс — характерный, узнаваемый mid-century, стоят на ковровой дорожке газона, смотрят на мир огромными окнами, рядом ровный прямоугольник бассейна.  

Человеческое жилье новой эпохи перестало походить на муравейник и превратилось в просматривающийся со всех сторон короб, наполненный воздухом и яркими пятнами арт-объектов.


Добро пожаловать внутрь. Цвета в интерьере варьируются от ярких до приглушенных и землистых. Ножки стульев чуть разъехались под весом новых надежд, на деревянные каркасы кресел и диванов легли мягкие подушки и подлокотники. Журнальные столики походят на перевернутые чаши, обеденные столы овальные, треугольные — любая геометрия, но обязательно с гладким, дружелюбно плавным краем. Кожаные кресла обзавелись приставными оттоманками. Фикусы в тяжелых керамических горшках – природа, приглашенная в человеческое жилище.Все здесь подходит для работы и отдыха, для размышлений… но и для вечеринок тоже.

Гибкость пластика и фанеры позволяли производить мебель с естественными, округлыми формами.Также широко использовали: металл, стекло, винил, люцит, тёмное дерево и материалы, которые делали интерьер демократичным: пробка и ламинат.

Wooden Dining with All White Decoration

via www.remodelista.com

Last but not least, this is also a good effort to uphold the idea of Mid Century modern style on home decoration. All-white color for the room is always good in any circumstances.

However, this design is very minimalist and it is linked to the dining room. The contrast must be there, like you cannot use all white just to make it look bright.

You need to consider the contrast and accent in an all-white room of your house.

Therefore, the use of reclaimed pine wood flooring as well as the dining room set is made of nature. That is one of the way we can do to uphold the characteristics of Mid Century modern design for your kitchen.

Transitional Mid Century Modern Kitchen Style

via www.contemporist.com

This style provides you the ability to combine the traditional style and contemporary style of the kitchen decoration.

Transitional style of kitchen decoration upholds the clean lines and simple minimalism. The choice of color is also more flexible since we all can combine what is there in the traditional style and contemporary one.

The usage of white marble as the countertop or dining table is also a good idea to neutralize the choice of color for cabinets, chair, or flooring. The use of pine woods like the picture shows you is also a good idea.

It is very necessary to let the light in. Therefore having large size of window in your kitchen is pretty much what the characteristics of Mid Century modern look like.

Iconic Midcentury pieces

A number of Mid-century Modern designers and their creations have stood the test of time and are still popular today. In fact, the vintage pieces they produced fetch stellar prices while reissues and copies have a large market. Over the years since they were made, selections of these have become iconic in the design field. Here are a few of most loved pieces from the top designers of the day:

Womb Chair by Eero Saarinen, 1947 — Saarinen’s chair was an outgrowth of his collaboration with Charles Eames and the result of a challenge by Frances Knoll to create a chair that was stylish, modernist and eminently comfortable.

View in gallerySaarinen’s Womb Chair has been popular –and comfortable –since the day it was designed.

Dax Molded Fiberglass Chair by Ray and Charles Eames’s, 1948 – Made from one of the newest materials of the day, this chair is an enduring favorite. It was originally produced by Hermann Miller.

View in galleryDax Molded Fiberglass Chair by Ray and Charles Eames’s, 1948

Egg Chair by Arne Jacobsen, 1958 —This is one of the most recognizable and popular pieces from the 1950’s. Jacobsen designed the fabric-upholstered, curvy chair for the Royal Hotel in Copenhagen.

View in galleryEgg Chair by Arne Jacobsen, 1958

Marshmallow Sofa by George Nelson, 1956—Nelson’s famous piece of furniture is a funky sofa design made up of 18 comfortable round cushions that float on a frame.

Diamond Chairs by Henry Bertoia, 1952 – While wood was still popular, Bertoia designed this welded wire grid chair that has an airy feel. This was part of a full series that included lounge chairs in the same that were upholstered in fabric.

View in galleryBertoia’s metal grid could be curved as he desired.

How to Make Mid-Century Modern Style Your Own

View in galleryThis room uses mid-century pieces judiciously so it still looks fresh and modern.

Interior design should fit your lifestyle – it’s your home and not a museum!  This rings especially true when trying to achieve a certain feel or décor era. You don’t want a carbon copy of a room from the mid-century modern period, you want a livable space that features the essence and the characteristics you love about it.

View in galleryVintage mid-century modern chairs command high prices today.

Planning is key. Take a good look at the space you have to work with and chose a focal point. This is where you can conjure up style you want. Start with a statement piece like a sofa, set of chairs, or table that will set the mood for the room. From there, move on to choosing the other furnishings and accessories for the space. These can be purchased or edited from what you currently own. Remember that mid-century modern style is built on the concepts of open, airy and uncluttered space. Choose items that are geometric, clean-lined and functional – and use patterned pieces sparingly!

View in galleryThis dining room is good example of mid-century modern style done well.
View in galleryPieces like this chair and ottoman will be classic for generations.

Searching for pieces to include in your home can be much of the fun in creating a mid-century modern living space. Of course, this means that it might take longer to complete your décor, however including touches of vintage can create more character and interest than using all new items.

View in galleryVintage lighting is an easy way to inject mid-century modern style into any space.

Speaking of vintage, you can find affordable second-hand pieces because so many copies were made, but you will have to have a hefty budget if you want authentic mid-century-modern furnishings. Their popularity has created a very high-ticket market with prices reaching the tens of thousands of dollars. One alternative is to purchase a bold, new focal piece and concentrate on finding some vintage accessories that are more budget friendly.

View in galleryLong and lean cabinets were commonly used in this design period.
View in galleryFamily friendly shapes and styles were key to the style.

As with any interior decoration, there are multiple ways to achieve the look you want. Thanks to the current mania for all things mid-century modern, it’s possible to create your own unique living space thanks to all of the options available. Today’s acceptance of mixing and matching is the perfect opportunity to acquire vintage pieces, buy new items created in the mid-century modern style, and search out fitting small maker artisan works that can become new family heirlooms.

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Давайте разбираться: с чем сочетать шторы

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Геометрические узоры и орнаменты

Дом должен заряжать положительной энергией, вселять уверенность. В послевоенные годы все старались сделать свое жилье более уютным и приятным. И это стремление часто находило воплощение в текстиле и обоях с незатейливым красочным принтом. Чтобы создать современный интерьер mid-century modern, также стоит экспериментировать с разными рисунками, сочетать ткани и обои с несколькими видами паттернов: как вариант, узор из геометрических фигур и абстракции из неожиданных объектов, например фруктов и человечков. Однако стоит помнить о мере и не оклеивать все стены одной комнаты такими яркими обоями. Элементы с паттернами делают интерьер жизнерадостным и заряжающим энергией.

Mid-century modern вряд ли скоро перестанет быть популярным: этот непринужденный, комфортный, самобытный, выразительный стиль превращает обустройство дома в увлекательное путешествие во времени.

Mid Century Farmhouse Kitchen Style

via bradleyrodgers.co

Farmhouse style for the kitchen is supposed to look like mostly highly decorated with less unnatural details in the room.

However, you do not have to be worry about that since you can still give the touch of contemporary style into the farmhouse style to apply those combination in the Mid Century modern design for your kitchen.

The use of rustic countertop or kitchen shelves are going to have the elements of farmhouse concept.

However, the use of white wooden cabinet beneath the counter and the traditional kitchen set put in the shelves are going to give the nuance of a bit contemporary concept.

To be in the middle of those styles, hanging lamp is going to be just okay to be put above the counter of the kitchen. Besides, having traditional trash basket or rug in the kitchen does not matter.

Beach Kitchen Style with Recovered Wood Island Cabinet

via www.apartmenttherapy.com

Beach style is one of the new housing styles in the new era you must know something about. At least now you are reading about that by now.

Looking at the color, beach theme for your house or especially your kitchen, is not a bad idea.

The use of cool shades of blue and crisp white hues or airy color like turquoise is going to create a nuance of coastal in your own house.

Those colors combined with the natural color from the cabinets which are recovered wooden is very relaxing in the eye. Beach style of kitchen is not usually stuck in only one kind of layout.

Instead, this can be applied in a various type of room layout that you can customize based on your own house.

It is very good to have your kitchen have such a beach color vibes to begin with. It is going to be just fun cooking and making food in the kitchen atmosphere that smells like beach by looking at its room color and decoration.

The color from recovered oak wood which has a signature in its dark color is going to make your kitchen more appealing and warm.

Iconic Mid-Century Modern Designers

You can’t speak to the mid-century aesthetic without considering the late and great George Nelson. His collection of iconic clocks (now made available via Vitra) make him a true master of mid-century design. And of course, George Nelson Bubble Lamps are must-have for any well-designed mid-century modern space. Jonathan Adler excels at retro-inspired lighting fixtures with several product families that look like they are straight from the 1950s. Louis Poulsen features lighting collections from mid-century greats Poul Henningsen and Arne Jacobsen, and look to FLOS for an iconic portable lamp like the Arco Floor Lamp.

Fresh Mid Century Modern Kitchen Style

via www.architectureartdesigns.com

Besides traditional kitchen style, contemporary style for your kitchen is also one of the most popular concepts. Kitchen in contemporary style usually come out in a free layout.

That is because contemporary style has no strict limitation in certain things. You can probably call this one casual style for your kitchen fashion.

The materials that is used is usually polished and the choice of color is usually bold and strong like the dark one, dark red for instance, like you can see in the image above.

The use of woods or marble is also not a big deal as long as you can set the choice of your color and freedom of kitchen styling in a right way without referring to one special characteristics of other styles.

How to Furnish in Mid-Century Modern Style

As with any period, do not feel a compulsion to create a replica of those times from the architecture to the furnishings to the landscaping. You can, if you feel compelled, but a lot of homeowners just starting out feel intimidated when tackling a style they love. It can also prove to be very expensive to get authentic pieces, even though many are still being made or have been revived due to demand.

Understand the distinguishing features of the style, and find pieces that echo that. Iconic pieces from this era have been adapted and copied endlessly, and chances are that you might be able to find pieces that fit your lifestyle needs and budget, even if you don’t want to spend a fortune on furniture.

Buying vintage furniture is one way to do it, and even if you decide to buy new, generally one large piece can set the tone nicely. Build around it. It does not have to be a set, but avoid too many patterns and stay within a color range, especially for wood.

Some retailers where you can find Mid-Century Modern furniture or furniture that is inspired by it:

  • Herman Miller
  • Knoll
  • Vitra
  • Design Within Reach or DWR
  • 2Modern
  • Room and Board
  • Crate and Barrel
  • Restoration Hardware

The Spruce / Almar Creative

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An All-white Mid Century Kitchen Set

via www.designsponge.com

The first thing you notice must be on where there are many stuffs are put in the kitchen shelves, and it still looks good after all.

The traditional style for the house design, now we are talking about kitchen design in particular, is usually upholding the taste of elegant but timelessly aesthetic.

The color is commonly earthy on how the color of pine, oak, or plywood is always preferable to be used as the cabinets, backsplash, or flooring materials.

The use of white color in traditional style is also one of its characteristics on how white tiles or paint on the wall is going to give a contrast accent to other colors in the room.

That is how it makes the visualization of traditional style is very appealing. Gleaming marble countertops is also one of the requisite details that we can see in the picture for the kitchen in this style.

However, you need to pay attention if you want to make this kind of style in the Mid Century modern concept of the house especially on the light and the touch of nature in it.

It is better for you to have long window for the light to come in and you can probably out some plants or vase with the plants in the kitchen to give the touch of the nature as it is one of the characteristics of Mid Century modern style.

Wooden Transitional Kitchen Concept

via nimvo.com

Transitional is where contemporary mixed with modern. This versatile style of kitchen decoration can be applied in a nuance of wooden.

The use of reclaimed oak and pine wood in the wall, cabinets, drawer, and ceilings are going to create good natural color.

That is important since Mid Century modern upholds the value of nature in your house decoration.

He use of white granite or probably marble at the counter and countertop and the upper wall in the kitchen is going to make the room even more elegant.

Mid Century Modern Series:

  • Mid Century Modern Bathroom
  • Mid Century Modern TV Stand

What Is Mid-Century Modern?

Mid-century modern is an overused buzzword that has come to mean a lot of different things, and not all of them accurate. It’s really a reference to developments from the middle of the 20th century – mainly after World War II – in architecture, furniture, materials and technologies that become popular after the end of the war. Currently, it is most used in reference to furnishings and décor.

View in galleryColor, open space and a light and airy feel are elements of mid-century modern design.

While there’s much debate on the actual years that encompass the mid-century modern era, most sources generally accept that the heyday was roughly 1945-1969. Writer and art historian Cara Greenberg originally dreamt up the term mid-century modern in 1984 as the title for her book about this design era.

According to Modernous, mid-century modern has many of its roots in Germany’s Bauhaus style. Thanks to the migration from Europe after World War II, designers brought this type of interior décor o the United States. The rise of new materials and shapes came from the scarcity of traditional building materials during the war. The style of décor from the mid-century modern era is artisan-driven, diverse and creative, notes Curbed, adding that it was also fueled by the great many pioneering designers who were active in the period.

View in galleryClean lines and wood accents are common.

Also, after World War II, cities in the US were expanding and suburbs growing, creating the need for quickly built housing and the furniture go in it. From there the mid-century modern movement grew, bringing modernism into the post-war suburbs with furnishings crafted from new materials for modern American families: It was functional, comfortable and practical. Mid-century modern homes were also the source of today’s open floor plans, thanks to the introduction of large open spaces, plentiful windows and natural light, and an easy indoor/outdoor flow, notes Curbed.

View in galleryWood accents and a nod to nature are part of the design era.

Although the pieces were artisan-driven, they were also modernist designs that could be mass-produced reasonable cost. Hence, the clean lines, curves and geometric shapes lent themselves to the new lifestyle demands. Ray and Charles Eames, whose names are synonymous with mid-century modern, felt the philosophy was simple and powerful: “Getting the most of the best to the greatest number of people for the least amount of money.”

Какие вещи периода Mid-Century Modern можно считать коллекционным дизайном

К коллекционному дизайну относятся вещи, выпущенные при жизни дизайнеров.

Предметы, выпускаемые сегодня, пусть и по оригинальным чертежам, к коллекционному дизайну не относятся, хотя продукция некоторых компаний, которые делают современные версии вещей классиков мид-сенчури Чарльза и Рея Имза, Джаспера Моррисона и других, пользуется большим спросом.

Коллекционные вещи Mid-century modern сейчас стоят довольно-таки дорого, но являются хорошим вложением капитала, потому что ценность таких вещей с годами становится только выше.

Уже сейчас цена на дизайнерскую мебель Жана Пруве, Карло Моллино и других известных мастеров шестидесятых составляет от нескольких тысяч до нескольких миллионов долларов.

Галерея «Винтажный свет»

Что продают: свет из Италии и Франции, начиная с 1920-х гг, но преимущественно 1950-70-х гг, таких дизайнеров и брендов, как Джино Сарфатти, Карло Скарпа, Ханс-Агне Якобссон, Йозеф Франк, Gaetano Sciolari, Stilnovo, Mazzega и Vistosi. В настоящий момент в наличии более 100 светильников, ежемесячно приходит еще 20. Большая часть ассортимента – изделия из латуни.

Где покупают: у проверенных дилеров. Основатель галереи Евгения Кудрявцева – дизайнер интерьеров. Раньше она искала винтажные предметы под конкретный проект, сейчас под это отведено только 40% ассортимента, остальное – в открытой продаже. По заказу найдут предмет конкретного дизайнера, в том числе и что-то очень особенное, например, массивную трехтонную люстру 1960-х гг.

Состояние предметов: все предметы представлены в своем оригинальном состоянии, они имеют высокое качество и не нуждаются в реставрации: стекло обязательно без сколов, латунь без потемнений. Иногда заменить нужно только проводку, это делают по просьбе покупателя.

Ценовой диапазон: настольная лампа обойдется примерно в 30 000 рублей, торшер – в 50 000 рублей, потолочная люстра будет стоить от 50 000 до 150 000 рублей.

Где найти: в инстаграме @evgenia_kudryavtseva по тегу #ihavethisvintagelamp. Открытие шоу-рума запланировано на осень, пока любой предмет бесплатно доставляют заказчику на примерку. Кроме того, «Винтажный свет» сотрудничает с галереей Татьяны Гедике Repeat Story, где представлены их настольные лампы, хрустальные бра и верхний свет.

Бра, Италия, вторая половина XX века, 72 000 рублей за пару.

Bright Traditional Kitchen Style with Soft Colors

via hgtv.com

One more important thing about mixing style to the Mid Century modern house design, is lighting. That is because Mid Century modern style is where outside nature and beauty of the house meet.

This style is good for your kitchen since this uses bright colors, mainly white, and that makes the room looks bigger even if maybe you are planning to have just minimalist kitchen in your house.

The look is going to be even natural and better with the combination of soft airy colors like blue or green or yellow in such a pastel transition.

This L-shaped countertop in kitchen is also used by many people. You need to make sure the light that comes in is able to give the good lighting for every side in your L-shaped kitchen.

Iconic Midcentury pieces

A number of Mid-century Modern designers and their creations have stood the test of time and are still popular today. In fact, the vintage pieces they produced fetch stellar prices while reissues and copies have a large market. Over the years since they were made, selections of these have become iconic in the design field. Here are a few of most loved pieces from the top designers of the day:

Womb Chair by Eero Saarinen, 1947 — Saarinen’s chair was an outgrowth of his collaboration with Charles Eames and the result of a challenge by Frances Knoll to create a chair that was stylish, modernist and eminently comfortable.

View in gallerySaarinen’s Womb Chair has been popular –and comfortable –since the day it was designed.

Dax Molded Fiberglass Chair by Ray and Charles Eames’s, 1948 – Made from one of the newest materials of the day, this chair is an enduring favorite. It was originally produced by Hermann Miller.

View in galleryDax Molded Fiberglass Chair by Ray and Charles Eames’s, 1948

Egg Chair by Arne Jacobsen, 1958 —This is one of the most recognizable and popular pieces from the 1950’s. Jacobsen designed the fabric-upholstered, curvy chair for the Royal Hotel in Copenhagen.

View in galleryEgg Chair by Arne Jacobsen, 1958

Marshmallow Sofa by George Nelson, 1956—Nelson’s famous piece of furniture is a funky sofa design made up of 18 comfortable round cushions that float on a frame.

Diamond Chairs by Henry Bertoia, 1952 – While wood was still popular, Bertoia designed this welded wire grid chair that has an airy feel. This was part of a full series that included lounge chairs in the same that were upholstered in fabric.

View in galleryBertoia’s metal grid could be curved as he desired.

Mid-century Scandinavian Kitchen Style

via www.homedsgn.com

Here is the first one we provide to you, Scandinavian kitchen style with the granite top in the countertop of the kitchen cabinets in your house.

White on the top has always been a characteristic of Scandinavian kind of style in the housing stage or design.

White marble or granite in the top of the countertop in the kitchen’s cabinet is also the signature of this kind of style.

The natural color of the wood-like standard brown for instance is also supporting the beauty of the Thirties Scandinavian style.

At most, this style has one line room layout that is usually one dimensional. Kitchen in this style is usually linked directly to the dining tables with the chairs as well.

The reclaimed wood as the flooring is also preferable to reminisce the style of Scandinavian.

In the style of Mid Century modern housing, any styles can be mixed as long as the style fulfill the characteristics of Mid Century modern style such as having a big window or a space for the room to see outside in a large size.

As what you can see in the picture, the window is big with the one dimensional and white marble countertop with wooden cabinets is the perfect match for Mid Century modern.

Формула мид-сенчури-стиля

Его паттерны – ясная, простая геометрия, древесина благородного цвета, легкие, плавные линии, неяркая спокойная гамма.

Если более подробно, то мид-сенчури это:

  1. открытая планировка и свобода пространства.
  2. Зонирование посредством раздвижных перегородок, сквозных стеллажей и этажерок.
  3. Большие окна (идеально – в пол) и обилие естественного света. Как правило, стекла при этом не занавешиваются, однако допустимы римские шторы или жалюзи.
  4. Дополнительный свет обеспечивали модные в те годы лампы и люстры, чьи контуры напоминали самолеты и летающие тарелки. Тогда же появились торшеры, боковые светильники и легендарный «Артишок».
  5. Доминировала темно-коричневая древесина. Она характерна не только для мебельных фасадов; деревом отделывали и пол, и стены, и нередко потолок. Альтернативой служили обои под дерево.
  6. Предметам мебели присущи простые, но обтекаемые, эргономичные формы. Mid-century – мастер смягчать линии и закруглять углы. Консольные столики на «журавлиных» ножках, овальные и круглые столешницы, легендарные кресла Арно Якобсена, стулья Вернера Пантона и Ээро Сааринена, гладкие и длинные диваны – вот главные символы 50-х.
  7. Еще одна черта – широкое использование, наряду с древесиной, актуальных в те годы материалов: фанеры, пластика, легких металлов. Сегодня же, создавая обстановку в духе середины прошлого столетия, применяют и ламинат, и флизелин, и стекло. Табу налагается только на штукатурку.
  8. Палитра мид-сенчури – теплая, успокаивающая. Фоном чаще всего служили комбинации горчичного, песочного, оливкового, охристого, янтарного цвета. Их разбавляли яркими, но не слишком насыщенными акцентами.
  9. Узоры стиля своеобразные, как бы детские, ироничные: горошины, рыбы, погремушки, кляксы и абстракции.
  10. Ткани обивок – велюр, вельвет, хлопок, прочная синтетика.